Cosmetic Acupuncture
Reduce the Sign of Aging with COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE
Cosmetic acupuncture is an effective, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. It is a rejuvenation and revitalization process designed to help the whole body look and feel younger. Cosmetic Acupuncture is based on the principles of Oriental Medicine and involves the insertion of very thin needles into acupuncture points on the face and along energy pathways (meridians) to improve the flow of energy. As the movement of energy improves, a greater amount of energy and blood are circulated to the face, nourishing, hydrating, toning and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. The signs of aging are reduced and your skin is revitalized and rejuvenated!
Cosmetic Acupuncture has been performed for thousands of years in China. For centuries, the Chinese have known that beauty radiates from the inside out. If the internal body is nourished and the energy and blood are flowing freely, the external body will reveal this radiance.
A 1996 report in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with Facial Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment.

What are the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture may erase as many as 5-15 years from the face, with results apparent after just a few treatments. Fine lines may be entirely eliminated and deeper wrinkles diminished. Bags under the eyes can be reduced, jowls firmed, puffiness eliminated, droopy eyelids lifted and double chins minimized. Other benefits include:
- Moisturizes the skin with increased local circulation of blood and lymph to the face
- Increases collagen production
- Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction
- Helps minimize or eliminate fine lines; softens scars
- Increases circulation thereby oxygenating the skin
- Tightens the pores; brightens the eyes
- Keeps acne-prone skin under control
- Evens out facial colour and tone
- Helps to reduce frown lines (furrows)
- Nourishes the skin, giving you a healthy complexion with natural, glowing, radiant and younger looking skin
- Reduces stress evident in the face – bringing out the innate beauty and radiance of an individual
- Leaves you feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated!
Who would benefit from Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Anyone concerned with looking and feeling younger and slowing down the aging process. Different methods are emphasized and specific points stimulated according to how an individual is aging. A person with excess puffiness, for example, would require a different treatment than someone with dry skin.
What is the course of treatment?
For the best results, a series of 12 sessions performed 1-2 times a week is recommended. Results become more noticeable and lasting on or about the 7th or 8th session. Each person responds differently, depending on his or her condition and lifestyle. Following the 12 treatments, maintenance sessions are recommended once a month for at least 6 months, after which, follow-up treatments can be more spread out through the year. With proper maintenance, good facial hygiene, and an overall healthy lifestyle, results are expected to last from 2-5 years.
Why choose Cosmetic Acupuncture over a surgical face-lift?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to surgical face-lifts! It is far less costly than cosmetic surgery and is very safe, virtually painless, has no side effects or risk of disfigurement (slight bruising can occasionally occur). Unlike surgery that may have an extended recovery period with swelling and discoloration, there is no trauma from Cosmetic Acupuncture.
Cosmetic Acupuncture will maintain the effectiveness of Botox, and therefore will decrease the number of injections.